Tagged with Wildlife

Itsy Bitsy Guatemalan Spider

  I took these photos in Guatemala. The second one is blurry because: a.) I had the range maxed out on the lens of the little camera I had at the time. Mind you, this was not because it wasn’t easy to get close to this spider (it was on a cut log on the … Continue reading

Guatemalan Monkey

 If you see this monkey, he should be treated as armed and dangerous. Not only would he and his friends not pose in blissful solitude for a snapshot – leaving me with this and  few even more blurred and unusable shots mostly of monkey butt (yes, Bevis, I said monkey butt) – but they proceeded to rain … Continue reading

Isla Contoy, Mexico

We rode a rear-console fishing boat with twin out-board motors from Isla Mujeres to Isla Contoy. The diminutive captain stood on a cooler in order to see over the bow as he piloted between the two islands. We were asked to squeeze as far as possible to the rear of the boat so the bow would … Continue reading

Tulum: City of the Sun

Lately, it is easy to view the ancient Mayans as just a giant buzz-kill. After all, they are the ones who brought us the news about the imminent demise of civilization as we know it that is scheduled for just over three short years from now. (Ordinarily, I would be writing those words completely ‘tongue-in-cheek’. However, with the global economy … Continue reading

Isla Mujeres, Mexico

Garrafon de Castilla Last week my wife and I made a trip to the Yucatan that concluded in a three day stay on Isla Mujeres. Taking the advice of two guidebooks and a couple who had made multiple trips to Isla, we avoided the Garrafon National Park, which, at $50 [USD] a head, is widely considered … Continue reading